Here in the South, Mother Nature is busy showing off with spring in full swing. She is in high gear with blossoms and buds bursting and pollen beginning to take wind. It’s hard to imagine someone not being enthralled with this season simply for the natural beauty alone. But it also seems to be a welcoming harbinger of hope and renewal. Fresh starts. New beginnings. Continued growth. If it’s not already obvious, I love this time of year. Spring seems to be an unfailing tangible and spiritual representation of hope and renewal in all things.
Here at The Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories, we live out the season of new beginnings and continued growth each spring through our work. It is a time of year when we host and provide a great deal of educational training for Bartlett Tree Experts as well as colleges, and field-related groups. There are always old friends and new faces, often coupled with the bright energy that accompanies the excitement of learning.
It is also a time where research trials and projects get underway. Much like the trees around us expressing their energies with new growth, we expend our energy into implementation of research trials that we spent much of the winter planning. Though our research team operates in different states and even countries, we communicate across those miles to work together on a myriad of projects and trials providing wonderful opportunities for collaboration, brainstorming, and growth.
So wherever you find yourself in this moment, may the hope and renewal offered by the spring season meet and embrace you!