Environmental Issues

Mulching the ground beneath your trees and shrubs is one of the best practices for keeping trees healthy. However, you need to mulch properly for it to truly be beneficial.

After winter, it’s important to help trees and shrubs recover from the stress of harsh weather and any injuries. This is particularly true since plants under stress are more susceptible

Brood X is on its way. This is one of the largest broods of periodical cicadas, and the insects will soon be seen in a number of states including Delaware,

After the cold weather of winter some plant-lovers are worrying about the health of their shrubs and trees. Plants in their native range that typically experience harsh winter conditions should

When winter is in full force, salt deicers remove ice on walkways, driveways and roads for safety. It’s important to know, however, that these salt deicing products can damage trees

Winds are fierce. Storms can break branches. But winter weather may bring other tree and shrub issues. Cold weather and fluctuating temperatures often result in damage called winter injury or

Sometimes when a non-native species is introduced to a new environment there is a devastating result. Whether the invasive species is a plant, animal, or pathogen, the presence of these

Everyone is outside these days, taking long walks in the park or on hiking trails and creating new spaces in their own backyards. It’s amazing to see people embracing the

  Soil compaction is a common issue in home landscapes and on commercial properties. When the soil is compacted, porous spaces are reduced. Since tree roots need those porous spaces

Nothing can completely guarantee safety from fires.  However, some simple strategies in the landscape can help protect homes and leave them more defensible against encroaching fires. Thinking ‘lean, clean, and

Most of us are familiar with the results of drought stress, but did you know that high temperatures alone can cause significant damage to the health of your plants? Given

Over the past decade, spruce trees have suffered an abundance of issues. All species of spruce, including Colorado blue and white spruce, are being affected, but particularly concerning is the

Although long used as a groundcover, ivy is harmful for trees. It is not indigenous, and many species are aggressively invasive and displace native species. In North America, the most

Leaf curl and leaf blister are a group of diseases caused by the fungus Taphrina. Taphrina caerulescens is the causal agent of oak leaf blister, and Taphrina deformans is the

Many trees and shrubs in Indiana are losing an abnormal amount of leaves, or showing signs of foliar damage as a result of unusual environmental factors this year. Spring-like weather