Please don’t misunderstand the title – guys rock too – but working in a field that is dominated by the male of the species, there are few times when I am able to experience what I did earlier this morning.
As a research technician, you will often find me out on the fringes of the Bartlett Tree Research Lab and Arboretum where many of our research plots reside. This morning was one of those times. As I was gathering data and photographing the trees involved in this trial, one of my fellow research technicians drove by on her way to one of the research plots she’s responsible for. Then a moment later, our head diagnostician came along on her way to photograph and document yet another research trial. Three separate research trials. Three women in the field of arboriculture.
So what’s so special about this? Why write about it or give it a moment’s thought? Because it was a lovely moment; in a field dominated by men, here were three independent women doing what they love to do, happily going about their work, trying to make their contribution to the field of arboriculture in their own way. And that was worth noting to me this beautiful morning.