There are many issues that a homeowner might face with the trees and shrubs on a property. Get the answers to some of the most common questions.
Tree Issues FAQs (173)
- How close should I build to a tree?
- I need a 62-foot-wide, 10-foot-tall privacy hedge and am considering Canadian Hemlock or Emerald Arborvitae. Which is the better choice, or do you recommend another option?
- My large Silver Leaf Maple has had a fungus for a year, with chewed bark that's split open and dark inside, affecting several branches. Some branches have no leaves, and others have dropped off. The tree is 30-35 feet tall—can it be treated?
- We recently moved into a home with a 20-year-old Southern Magnolia, about 20-25 feet tall. The leaves look yellowish and dried out, with no new buds emerging. Does this sound like the tree is dying?
- We have a 1952-planted magnolia tree in San Antonio, about 12" in diameter and 40' tall. The last three drought years have left only a few lower branches with leaves. Can the tree be saved, or is it more cost-effective to remove it?
- I planted a Georgia peach tree about three years ago and the leaves look like they are blistered.
- For the first time in 24 years, we're getting sap all over our backyard, deck, and cars, with the deck turning black. We have a Maple tree in the front and four Oak trees in the back. Is this sap, and how do we treat it?
- My 15-year-old flowering cherry tree has curling, brown leaves, while my neighbor’s identical tree is healthy. We’ve had sufficient rainfall. What could be the problem, and how can I save my tree?
- Ants have excavated a huge cavity in my 30-year-old maple tree. What can I do about it?
- One of our Valley Oak trees has a web-like coating on its limbs, starting at the trunk and going up several branches. It has been there for about two weeks and is starting to lessen. What could it be, and is it harmful to the tree?
- I have a large plum tree with a major branch, loaded with plums, torn two-thirds of the way down and resting on the ground. What’s the best course of action, and is there anything I can do to save the unripe plums?
- Can many years of accumulation of black oil sunflower seed hulls under a bird feeder hung on an old maple tree cause the top of the tree and some lower branches to die?
- I have thin branches growing from the base of my tree since spring. Should I remove them with pruning shears to improve the tree's appearance, and if so, how can I prune them to prevent them from growing back? The branches are no thicker than half an inch.
- I have a white pine tree that was leaking and had little holes in it last year. It was treated, but now this is happening again. Might it be infected with bugs?
- We cut branches improperly from three trees, and several branches resulted in bark being ripped off. Should I apply a dressing like Tree Kote to help them heal faster, or should I leave them to heal naturally?
- My young Japanese red maple has small white/tan spots scattered on the leaves but otherwise appears healthy. What could this be, and does it need treatment?
- Our 20-30-year-old Ash tree has rising ground at the base and lowering ground 5-7 feet out over the last few years. What should we do?
- A storm ripped a main branch from my 30-year-old Magnolia Iolanthe, leaving a 15x5-inch vertical wound. How can I help the tree survive and heal?
- My triangle palms have chunks missing from the upper trunks. Is this normal?
- Our 6-8 foot Emerald Green Arborvitae, planted 10 years ago, now have significant brown foliage in the center despite using a drip line with fertilizer last summer. What could be causing this, and what do you recommend?
- Can I grind down a few inches around a live oak tree to eliminate heavy growth of root sprouts?
- I have a weeping cherry tree that is about 13 years old. The leaves are sparse, sap is running from the trunk, and the trunk is split. What can I do to help it recover?
- My snowball tree is being eaten badly, with leaves looking like spider webs. I suspect caterpillars, but I don't see any. Is it worth saving, or should I give up on it?
- I have a large 75-year-old oak tree in Brazoria County, Texas, with very few leaves this year, some dead wood, and peeling bark. It has been fertilized and sprayed for pests, but the tree seems unhealthy compared to another much older tree in the back. What could be the issue?
- I have a 20' tall grapefruit tree, and one of the branches near the trunk is losing its bark. I bought the property a year ago, and the issue hasn’t worsened, but it’s concerning. Any advice on how to prevent further damage?
- We have two Silver Maple trees in our front yard, and after a high spring tide, saltwater covered much of the base of the trees. After several days, most of the leaves from one tree and many from the other have fallen. Could the saltwater have impacted the trees?
- This spring, my mature tree developed bare branches, which have increased over time. I see no signs of pests like bagworms or borers, but some bark is peeling. What could be causing this, and how can I address it?
- I have a Black Oak with many dead branches and a hard, woody fungus around the base. Is this fungus a sign of disease, or just the tree dying? Can anything be done?
- One of my 5-year-old Thundercloud Plum trees has early leaf drop, slow flowering, sparse leaves, and mold-like growth. Could this be due to overwatering?
- We planted a 4-year-old dogwood, and last year, deer damage caused bark loss on one side. After spraying protectorant, the top is now dead, but the bottom is still green and healthy. Should we prune the top, and will the tree survive?
- A large Oak tree between my neighbor’s property and mine has an opening at the root base. After a similar tree fell and damaged our home, what precautions should we take to ensure its stability?
- A large tree fell on our Norway spruce trees. Several limbs were damaged an branches were forced down. Is there any way to help limbs to grow back up to normal angle?
- We have a 30-year-old tree, possibly an Elm or Ash, with peeling bark on the upper limbs and trunk this spring, and no leaves have bloomed. Neighbors say it's dying, but there are no fallen branches or signs of decay. Could the peeling be caused by woodpecker damage or the cold winter weather?
- My Cherry Plum tree has reduced leaf growth on the west side, and another tree is experiencing branch dieback with leaves still attached. Should I prune and water more, or is it a pest issue?
- My Purple Leaf Plum tree, which has great sentimental value, has a split trunk that has turned black, though it has started blooming. Can you help save this special tree?
- I have a gall aphid problem, having removed over 300 from one tree. What is the best fall spray to reduce them, how much should I use, and when is the best time to apply it?
- One of my older Redwood trees is weeping sap at the base of the trunk and looks bad. What should I do?
- It's mid-April in Garrett Park, MD, and while all nearby trees have leaves, my 30' hickory tree hasn’t budded. Could it be dead, especially after more nuts than usual fell last fall? Could that have been a sign?
- Can you prune evergreens?
- Our 12-foot Alpine tree is 160 cm from the house with a 70 cm radius trunk. Will its roots interfere with the property, and should we fell it or manage it with regular topping?
- My 10-year-old lemon tree has yellowing leaves and significant early leaf drop despite bi-monthly flood irrigation and citrus fertilizer three times a year. What could be causing this?
- Will pruning my redbud produce more flowers next spring? If not, is there anything I can do to get more flowers? It does flower but not like some I've see that are the same size.
- I have a 15-year-old Chinese Pistache with whole limbs lacking foliage year-round, and the overall foliage has decreased each year. It's in a weekly watered lawn. What could be the issue, and is there a remedy?
- In Lancashire, we saw a Prunus avium tree covered in a clingfilm-like web. What caused this, and what is the cure for the owners?
- My tree, either a water oak or white oak, has silky material covering the trunk. Is this harmful to the tree's health?
- I have a red maple that has been healthy, but it is starting to lose its leaves and its branches are dying. How can I figure out what is happening?
- My mulberry tree has a split in the bark running nearly to the ground, with a rotten stump at the top and visible bore holes. Could these be from termites? Do you offer treatments for affected trees?
- I have a male ginkgo tree that was planted 12 years ago . It has hardly grown. Do you have any suggestions? It does get plenty of water and sun.
- My large backyard Ash tree has leaf growth mainly on the outer third of the limbs. Would occasional limb shortening encourage inner growth and reduce the risk of splitting from outer limb weight?
- My three-foot Japanese Maple, planted in spring with proper mulching, started sprouting new leaves in September. Is this late-season growth a concern?
- Our oak trees have green mold spots about six inches across. Is it detrimental to the tree?
- My 25-year-old Norway maple has a vertical split with scarring on the trunk, and two limbs grow from each side of the split. Could this lead to the limbs severing along the scar line, and can a collar or brace prevent this? What services can you provide?
- I'm purchasing a new home and there is a tree leaning in the backyard. Do you think that this might present an issue?
- My 3-year-old Hard Maple, previously healthy, now has dry, discolored leaves after just one weekend. Can someone assess it, determine if it can be saved, and recommend the necessary steps?
- My tree is lifting from the roots on one side after a storm, possibly due to compaction on the opposite side. Should I compact the lifting side to balance it, or is there a better solution?
- Our 20-foot spruce tree near the house and a power line is expected to double in height, possibly affecting drains and the sewer. Can it be pruned to manage the risks, or should it be removed?
- Our leaning Stella Cherry Tree had many rotten cherries last year. How and when should it be pruned, and can cables or wires help straighten it?
- What are the consequences of planting a Amelanchier cross Grandiflora Robin Hill Rootball tree a meter away from a house?
- Can you tell my why squirrels are pulling bark from the trunks of white oak trees? Is this of permanent damage and danger to the health of the trees?
- My 50+ year old maple tree produced excessive helicopters and very few leaves this spring. Could it be Verticillium wilt, and if so, is the tree beyond saving?
- When planting a new red maple tree, should you stake the tree?
- I have a woodpecker that has created some big holes in the trunk of a mature maple. I’m concerned about the health of the tree as a result. How can I fill the hole and stop the continuation of the burrowing?
- After removing a tree, how deep should one remove the stump in order to plant a new tree?
- I planted a Shumard Red Oak two weeks ago, and the leaves are turning brown. The root flare was buried, and I’ve removed as much dirt as possible. Can I dig it up to raise the root flare, or will this harm the tree?
- Our 17-year-old Japanese maple has small leaves and many dead branches, with no visible bugs or trauma. What could be causing this, and is there a remedy?
- My Autumn Blaze Maple has small colored "bumps" on the leaves and a cotton-like substance on the tree. What should I do?
- Our 15-year-old Chinese Pistache tree has bare branches, pale to yellow leaves, browning on some branches, and sap oozing from the trunk. The lawn is fine, but we’re unsure what’s wrong. Can you help?
- We have a tree that looks like a Hackberry, with pea-sized berries and larger leaves, but its leaves are turning yellow and falling off while other trees are green. Could our tree be sick?
- Our Chanticleer pear tree has many suckers, and despite cutting them back weekly, it looks unhealthy this year with small, undeveloped leaves on some branches. What would you recommend?
- Our tall Red Oak, 20 feet from the house, has shown signs of stress this year, with shriveled, yellow leaves at the top and brown, spotted leaves near the bottom. Could this be due to the drought, the ivy, or a blight?
- We have a Dogwood tree approximately seven years old. The bark is cracking in several spots the leaves are discoloring and wilting. What is this disease and can it be eliminated?
- Are there predaceous mites that control honey locust and Euonymus fortunei?
- We have large Leyland Cypress roots coming through an asphalt path, and the trees are over 30 years old. If we shave off the roots and redo the asphalt, how much will the roots come back?
- I have two 20-foot Red Oak trees in my front yard. One has dark green, full leaves, while the other has pale greenish/yellow leaves with brown spots. Can you help me with this?
- How can I tell if my mature pine trees are dormant or dead? They lost their needles and turned brown in July/August, and one still has a few pine cones.
- Our 5-year-old apricot tree's leaves are turning yellow from the top down. Is this normal fall foliage, or is there a problem? Also, should we trim any branches at this time of year?
- How do I know when an oak tree is diseased and must come down?
- My maples, viburnam, hydrangea, and others are getting rectangular, white raised spots on the back of the leaves. What is this and how do I treat it?
- Is my white pine tree infected with bugs? It is leaking and seems to have numerous little holes in it. Last year, we treated it but, it seems as if it is leaking again?
- Our mountain ash tree has white spots on it and the leaves are falling off. Can you help?
- My redbud tree's bark is falling off the tree in big slabs. Should I be concerned?
- My neighbor's tree service trimmed a branch from my 100-year-old oak, but they climbed it using shoe spikes, leaving chunks removed from the trunk. Should I be concerned, and is there anything I can do to prevent or mitigate further damage to the tree?
- Our Monterrey Oak, planted last year, has split bark extending to the ground, with some areas showing deep cracks and apparent rot. It previously had a fungal disease from overwatering last summer. What’s causing this, and how can we treat it?
- Our neighbor's two camphor trees, one large and one smaller, are causing our concrete driveway to rise, and we’re concerned about potential underground structural damage. How can we get a professional evaluation of the impact caused by these trees?
- When is the best time of year to prune birch trees?
- The inner needles of my pine tree and others in the neighborhood are unusually yellowing for an extended period. Could this be more than natural shedding, such as a fungal disease?
- Our 45-year-old Twin Maples were pruned by a utility company 18 months ago, with one tree cut severely and now deteriorating, while the less-pruned tree remains healthy. Should the crew have applied a sealant to the cut branches to prevent deterioration?
- I have a 10 year old Southern Magnolia which is failing to thrive. Despite fertilization, it continues to have open habit with poor leaf growth and fewer blossoms. Do you have any suggestions?
- How common is tree blight in North Carolina, which tree species does it affect, how can it be diagnosed, and what’s the best way to prevent its spread?
- Could medium-sized holly trees near my home’s foundation cause damage to the foundation or sewer system?
- My 25-30 foot red oak shows signs of iron chlorosis and hasn’t leafed out on a quarter of it this year. I’m worried about losing it but can’t find an expert to assess it.
- We have an upright red Japanese Maple, and it has dead branches on it after winter frost damage. How can I promote new shoots from the tree?
- My 15-year-old Dogwood tree, usually a beautiful bloomer, didn’t flower or grow leaves this year, though it shows some new green growth. I fertilize and mulch it annually. What could be the issue?
- After recent storms, the top half of two poplars and a sweet gum in our yard, ranging from 50–80 feet tall, broke off, leaving trunks 25–40 feet high. Can we leave them to regrow branches and leaves, or should they be cut down?
- One of our blue spruce trees is dying, dropping green needles, and turning brown. I’m worried it might spread to the others. The trees are 20-25 years old and have always been healthy. If there’s a known issue this year, can you recommend a spray?
- One of our two 20-year-old Maple trees is losing leaves and appears to be dying. A local tree service suggested it might be root fungus and recommended contacting you. Can you help?
- We have a large, 50-foot old piney oak in our backyard that was healthy when we moved in two years ago. Now, green fungus is growing on the bark, and some smaller branches have died. How should I treat the green fungus?
- I planted an ornamental cherry tree in my front lawn and noticed bleeding around the bottom of the trunk. This season, it bloomed but has a considerable reduction in leaves. Is there a problem?
- Our Japanese Plum is oozing sap, and we’re worried it might be diseased. Living in a major urban area, how much would it cost to have a professional evaluate it?
- My two mature Chinese Elms are losing yellow leaves. I’ve increased watering, but what else can I do? How can I tell if branches are dead, and should I remove them?
- Tordon was applied to control poison ivy in 2017, and soon after, nearby trees showed leaf curling and discoloration. Does Tordon kill surrounding trees, or is it strictly a weed control?
- I have a young Japanese Red Maple, about 24 months old, with small white/tan spots on the leaves. It looks healthy otherwise. What could this be, and does it need treatment?
- I’ve lived in Braidwood, IL for 10 years and recently saw a healthy 40-foot elm tree die suddenly. What could cause this, especially with flies and moths covering the tree?
- How can we safely prune our 40-50-year-old Mulberry tree and remove ivy choking a neighboring lilac? When is the best time for this work?
- We lost a Birch, a Red Maple, and now a Shady Bark Birch. The leaves start with black spots, turn lighter green, curl, and the tree dies quickly. What could be causing this?
- We moved to Hellam, PA, and our peach tree, which we cut back last year, is growing rapidly with lots of peaches. However, there are green flies all over the fruit. How can we get rid of them and safely spray the tree so we can still eat the fruit?
- My magnolia tree is secreting a sticky substance that attracts black wasps and other insects. The secretion catches fire when exposed to a match, stains surfaces, and the tree seems to be dying. Can you diagnose the issue and recommend a solution?
- I have a tree in my yard that has a dead branch, which I believe has termites. If it does have termites, does the whole tree need to be removed or just the dead section?
- Will removing or trimming tree roots on established trees damage the tree?
- One of my 10-year-old white pines turned yellow last fall and lost more needles than usual, while the others nearby didn’t. The nearby trees have recovered, but the original one is still drying out and showing more yellow. What can I do to save it?
- One of our 20-year-old Scotch Pines has brown needles and a patch of bright yellow fungus at the base. I’ve also noticed other sick-looking pines nearby. What should we do?
- I have a Heritage river birch that loses 75% of its leaves every July, making a mess and leaving the tree looking bad. It's otherwise healthy and 25 feet tall, but if I can't find a solution, I plan to replace it. Should I keep it, or is there a fix for the leaf loss issue?
- I have an old Pecan tree in Austin County hit by lightning a year ago. It looks healthy, but I need an expert’s opinion on its survival before building a house nearby. What are my options?
- A few limbs on my tree turned brown, possibly due to drought, but now more limbs are browning and oozing sap from the trunk. What can be done?
- Our 35-foot, 35-year-old Walnut tree is causing the back patio to rise, and I’m concerned its roots may be spreading under the house. What should I do about this issue?
- When is the best time to have my peach tree and cherry tree pruned?
- Two of my vine maples have root rot and collar lesions. Will Phytophthora spread to the others, and should I remove the dying trees? Is there an effective treatment for the rest?
- My 20-foot Canadian Cherry Tree with a 9-inch diameter has had black knot for several years. Despite trimming infected branches for two years, it persists. What are my options now?
- My large maple tree is dropping clumps of leaves with seeds (helicopters) from branch ends, with clean-cut stems. I’ve noticed the same issue with my neighbor’s maple, but my nearby oak tree is unaffected. Could this be caused by squirrels or something else?
- The bark was removed from my stewartia. Will this harm the tree?
- Our 13-year-old Rhododendrons have been declining over three years, despite feeding, watering, and treating for bacterial infection. Leaves curl, turn brown at the tips, and appear pale with dark green veins, while undersides show tiny rusty/brown dots. What should I do?
- I have two poplar trees in my backyard. They are about 35 years old. Many green leaves have been falling the past couple of years. What is causing this and how can I fix this?
- We have two oak trees dying from the top down, with the larger one in a group of other large oaks and different species. Is this condition likely to spread to the other trees, and is there a cure?
- We have two large Pecan trees dropping many limbs, with one large limb nearly hitting the house. Could the trees be diseased, and what should we do to prevent further damage or risk to the house?
- In our neighbors yard, there are bamboo trees growing. Now they have started showing up in our yard. How do we get rid of them so they do not come back?
- I have an elm tree (50 years old/approximately 30-40 feet tall) that has leaves that are wilting, partially turning brown, and falling off. What is it and what can be done to save it?
- My 12-year-old Eastern Red Maple, vital for screening, has squarish black spots on some leaves, appears weak with oddly angled leaves, and shows insect damage smoothing the leaf edges. What’s causing this, and how can I address it?
- How large will a Bonfire Patio Peach tree planted in the ground get compared to one planted in a pot?
- My 18-year-old row of 30 Blue Spruce trees has many lower branches losing needles and dying, unlike 10 healthy Spruces in my front yard. Could this be a nutrient issue, and how can I restore the privacy they provide?
- My cherry tree bloomed beautifully but now has lacy, hole-filled leaves, though I see no insects. What might be causing this, and can it be treated?
- I have a large spruce tree that is infested with carpenter ants. They have tunneled into the tree at two places. Can the tree be saved and what steps should be taken to save the tree?
- My large pine trees have blue-green scales on their trunks and branches, along with a silver coating on their boughs, which has spread to my Rose of Sharon bushes. Can you diagnose this and recommend treatment options?
- My Lemon Tree, kept in the conservatory since last winter, has sticky substance on the leaves that drips onto the floor. Should I be concerned, and how can I treat this?
- Can you treat powdery mildew on two young dogwoods? I have read that they can be sprayed and will need repeated treatments.
- Our 12-year-old Ash tree has dead branches, and its leaves are neither shriveling nor falling, but it seems diseased. Should we try to save it or have it removed?
- Our 20-foot Pine tree provides great shade but constantly drips sap, especially on overhanging branches above our driveway. What causes this, and how can we reduce the sap dripping?
- What are the black spots on the leaves of all the maple trees in our area?
- One of our two Brazilian Pepper trees, two years old, seems to be dying, with only the lower branches staying green despite using a nursery-recommended product. Should we try pruning the higher branches to help it recover?
- My two 25-year-old Horse Chestnut trees started showing leaf discoloration this summer, and now red liquid is oozing from the bark. Is there a cure for this disease, or do the trees need to be removed?
- We have three big Blue Spruce trees in our front yard. All of a sudden, the branches have started to turn brown and are very brittle. What is going on?
- My two tall Mexican fan palms have fronds my neighbor fears could damage their house. Is it too risky to prune them in winter, or can it be done safely?
- I have a Loquat tree that had Amine 400 (2,4-D) sprayed at the base. Now the leaves are turning brown. Can it be saved?
- I have two large trees with mistletoe and wanted to know have to deal with removing them.
- My young redbud lost half its leaves after drought and high temperatures. Will it recover, or how can I support its recovery through winter?
- We have Trompensburg Japanese Maple that had red leaves when we got it three years ago. Now it has all green leaves. Why is this?
- Our large Beaucarnea recurvata has a 4-foot branch interfering with the pool deck walkway. Is it safe to remove this 3-inch-diameter branch without harming the tree?
- My 20-foot birch tree dropped yellow leaves prematurely last year, and this spring, only half the branches budded. Some leaves are withering, and a neighbor suggested using an insecticide with "Systemaxx," but it hasn't helped. Can anything be done to save the tree now?
- My 13-year-old River Birch has a rotting, dirt-filled wound from a trunk cut years ago. Should I clean it out and seal it to protect the remaining trunks?
- I have a Kousa dogwood and it is not producing flowers like it has in the past.
- We have an older avocado tree with very little fruit most years. The buds fall off in the spring, but the mature avocados are healthy and don’t fall. How can we encourage more fruit production?
- I have a peach tree with a red-looking blister on the leaf. How should I get rid of it, and will it hurt the fruit?
- I have an one hundred acre park. A small percentage of the pine cones are extremely sappy. Any suggestions?
- I have Leyland cypress trees that I've had to shore up due to excess underground water near the surface. Will they recover enough to remove the shoring, and will the fertilizer spikes help?
- My 4-year-old weeping Japanese Maple has a split trunk from snow weight. Can taping the trunk help, and with proper feeding, is it possible to save the tree?
- Will removing small sucker branches from the lower trunk of a mature oak trees improve the overall tree health?
- I have an old oak tree with a 6-foot trunk covered in moss, and the leaves are thinning. Can moss harm the tree? What feeding is needed, and who can diagnose its health? I don’t want to lose this historic tree.
- One of my cherry trees dropped its leaves early last year, and while the other tree is starting to bloom this spring, this one doesn’t seem to be doing well. How can I tell if something is wrong and if it’s treatable, so I don’t have to cut it down?
- I lost one pear tree last year, and now another is showing signs of yellowing leaves with black tips. I thought it might be fire blight, but I don't see any cankers. Any advice?
- I was told you can start a linden tree from a branch. Is that correct? I started one in water a few days ago and so far it looks like it did when I cut it from the tree.
- I have an older grapefruit tree with a branch near the trunk losing its bark. I bought the property a year ago, and while the problem isn’t getting worse, it’s still concerning. Any advice on how to handle this?
- We are worried that our tree is diseased because we found a large amount of mushroom growth at the base. What does it cost to have an arborist check it out?
- I just bought a house with a palm tree near the pool, and its branches are turning yellow. Does it need trimming, or is there another issue? How much would an assessment cost?
- I have a weeping cherry tree on which the leaves are sparse, sap is running from the trunk and the trunk is split. What can I do to help it recover?
- I’m removing two neighboring maple trees to make way for a septic leach field. Will the removal of the trees and their roots lead to more standing water on the ground, especially since they no longer absorb excess water? The trees are about 20 feet from the house.
- A medium-sized oak tree (1-foot diameter) split during severe wind, losing a large branch. With recent freezing temperatures, should I seal the wound to protect the tree’s health?
- My two peach trees have black spots on the fruit and premature leaf drop, despite applying copper fungicide twice a season. Is there anything I can do during dormancy to prevent these issues?
- My large oak tree has very few leaves this year, some dead wood, and bark peeling off. It has been fertilized and sprayed for pests. What could be wrong with it?
- My tree, planted last year, has black mold-like spots on the leaves, with one side completely defoliated. Could overwatering from the sprinkler be the cause, and what can I do to save it?
- When transplanting bur oak seedlings from pots to the field, should I keep the rootball intact or plant them as bare root?
- I removed junipers after noticing rust on my hawthorn leaves, but now I wonder if I should spray the surrounding hawthorn, even though it's too late for spring treatments. Would spraying the remaining junipers help, and how far can the rust spread? Also, how can I obtain the chemicals listed in your article?
- This morning I heard a commercial on the radio that described our Birch tree: the top is dead. The tree is about 15 feet tall. What should we do?
- We have a two year old tree which I believe is a Japanese Maple. The bark on the tree is splitting from the bottom to the top. Do I need to worry about the tree dying from this problem?
- We have a 10 foot tall Dogwood that has had very little growth since we purchased it. The leaves are also changing color out of season. Is there something wrong with our tree?