Trees are the most visible and valuable assets in a landscape, yet are often forgotten and ignored when it comes to maintenance. The care of those trees is specialized work, not interchangeable with the work undertaken by a landscaper. Each of these roles is important when maintaining a property and requires a unique skillset, experience and equipment.
It may seem easier and faster to have a single source manage both types of work, but in reality it’s anything but. Entrust a job to someone that is not equipped or trained to handle tree work and the end result will likely be property damage and safety hazards.
Arborists specialize in maintaining tree health and can properly assess the condition of trees. A professional arborist will identify hazardous tree conditions, be trained to safely manage a job site and adhere to established industry standards. That means crews on your property have experience handling chippers and chainsaws, climbers safely access tree canopies and technicians properly identify pest problems.
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