Jonathan Frank
Board Certified Master Arborist
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Jonathan Frank, Board Certified Master Arborist at Bartlett Tree Experts, works out of the following offices:
More about Jonathan Frank
Jonathan discovered his passion for plants while in high school after taking a job at the local area garden center. He started in landscape design/build but ultimately chose to focus on trees and arboriculture. He has spent most of his career in South Florida. Jonathan joined Bartlett Tree Experts in 2017 as an Arborist Representative.
An ISA Board Certified Master Arborist and ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist, Jonathan holds the following credentials: ISA Certified Tree Worker/Climber Specialist, ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification, and Prescription Pruning Qualification. Jonathan is a Past President of the Florida Chapter ISA. He is also a recipient of the 2017 Florida ISA Chapter’s Loren Westenberger award, for high professional principles of arboriculture to better the environment for future generations. His education and experience allow him to provide the best value and care to his clients.
In his free time, Jonathan enjoys teaching the community and the industry about trees and arboriculture. He and his family live in Palm Beach County.