Craig Southwell
Assistant Division Manager
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Craig Southwell, Assistant Division Manager at Bartlett Tree Experts, works out of our Victoria, BC office.
More about Craig Southwell
Craig is an Arborist with more than 30 years of experience in the care and management of trees. Trained in his native UK, Craig has provided tree inventories and specialist advice for municipalities and infrastructure management companies across the country. He was also the in house consultant for the management of trees and landscapes along the channel. tunnel rail link corridor in the UK.
moving to British Columbia in 2015. He is the Assistant Division Manager for Bartlett Canada and also manages consulting services for their operations. He specializes in tree risk assessments and tree protection plans and has a particular interest in finding a balance between trees and the urban landscape.
Craig holds a BSc in forestry and a masters degree in business administration. He is also an ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist, an ISA Certified Arborist and is TRAQ qualified.