Andrew Mink

Andrew Mink

Consulting Advisor

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Andrew Mink, Consulting Advisor, works at Bartlett Tree Experts.

More about Andrew Mink

Andrew has enjoyed 15 years in the green industry in commercial landscaping operations, field nursery production, and as a Plant Healthcare Technician, Arborist Representative and Consulting Utility Forester. As a college intern, visiting every aspect of commercial landscaping and raising large caliper nursery products inspired Andrew’s passion for tree identification. Finding Bartlett Tree Experts right out of school led to a great experience practicing integrated pest management and providing pruning recommendations for the very plant species he had grown and planted. Facilitating the production, installation and aftercare for landscape elements has provided Andrew with an appreciation for living infrastructure. As a consulting forester for transmission vegetation management, Andrew viewed canopies from the air and witnessed management practices on a larger scale. Andrew has a bachelor's degree in Plant Science from the University of Maryland College Park. Andrew enjoys time with his wife and three children, watching Orioles baseball and planting trees.


  • ISA Board Certified Master Arborist (#MA-5387BU)

  • ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified

  • Certified Tree Safety Professional (#02818)

  • New Jersey Licensed Tree Expert (#620)

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