Prunus cerasifera
A striking small garden/street tree, Purple leafed Plum has a rich, deep purple foliage and stems which can appear almost black. The leaves of this tree emerge bronze before colouring to purple/black and then red and orange in the autumn. In March or April, a mass of single pink flowers which are popular with bees. A rounded canopy and will grow to a height and spread of 5 x 4 metres .
- Culture
- Concerns
- Management
Culture for Purple Leafed Plum
Tolerant of light and shade positions and pollution. The purple leaved plum will grow well in most soil conditions (acidic, loamy, moist, sandy, well drained, clay) except wet sites and those with shallow chalk soil. Prefers a pH of 5.5 to 6.5 but will tolerate 5.0 to 7.5.
Concerns about Purple Leafed Plum
Attacked by aphids, caterpillars, and leaf mining moths. Silver leaf, bacterial canker, and blossom wilt are the main diseases that attack this tree.
Management Practices for Purple Leafed Plum
Successful pest and disease management relies on early (i.e., mid April to late May) sprays of insecticides, fungicides (for fireblight control). Three sprays need to be applied. Commencing sprays in June will have little effect. Fertilise in autumn or spring if deficiency symptoms were evident during the growing season. Prune out and destroy (burn) shoots with cankers. Root collar excavate if deep planting suspected.
Photos related to Purple Leafed Plum

Purple Leafed Plum - Street Tree

Canopy of Purple Leafed Plum

Foliage of Purple Leafed Plum