Crataegus spp
There are many species and cultivars of hawthorn, although C. monogyna is referred to as ‘common hawthorn’. Native through much of Europe, this genus has been in cultivation for thousands of years. Member of the Rose family, usually thorny, subject of much ancient lore in several European cultures. Leaf form and lobes are highly variable by species and variety.
- Culture
- Concerns
- Management
Culture for Hawthorn
Tolerant of a range of soil pH, textures, and moisture levels. Moderately drought tolerant. Showy white flower lasts 1-2 weeks and serves as excellent food for pollinators. Berries also provide winter food for birds. Heavy flowering and fruit production leads to nutrient needs. Full sun.
Concerns about Hawthorn
Susceptible to powdery mildew and gymnosporangium rusts (Cedar-Hawthorn rust) leading to deformed leaves and defoliation. Aphids, scale insects, and spider mites may also become a problem leading to decline. On poorly drained heavy clay or deeply planted trees Phytophthora , root and crown rot can be a problem. Leaf margin discoloration and rolling is caused by an eriophyid mite. May be defoliated by foliage-feeding caterpillars.
Management Practices for Hawthorn
Fertilize according to nutrient analysis. Treat aphids, scales, or foliar feeding caterpillars as required based on inspection. In disease prone areas, preventative fungicide applications will manage rust and powdery mildew infections. Phytophthora treatments may be warranted on heavy clays or overly wet sites.