Sequoia sempervirens
An iconic tree of coastal California, redwoods are native to a thin coastal band from Oregon south through the Big Sur region of CA, but are planted widely beyond that range. Used extensively for lumber, old-growth pockets are rarely found near urban areas. Coast redwoods are the tallest trees in North America.
- Culture
- Concerns
- Management
Culture for Coast Redwood
Perform best in deep organic soil with continuous summer moisture supplied by coastal fog. Despite being native to a Mediterranean climate, this is a high water use species. Canopy appearance is normally thinner in more southern and inland areas. Very sensitive to salt spray, saline irrigation water, and boron, resulting in marginal scorching.
Concerns about Coast Redwood
Often topped and may need re-development of leader. Sensitive to soil moisture and heat stress. Stressed trees are often infested with spider mites and/or redwood scale, and may show branch death due to Botryosphaeria canker.
Management Practices for Coast Redwood
Avoid raising canopy; root zone should be shaded and cool. Provide 4-6” layer of organic mulch. Ideal candidate for Root Invigoration process. Pruning should focus on reducing end-weight of extended branches. Creating ‘windows’ in the canopy to reduce wind resistance is not recommended. Will benefit from irrigation and phosphite soil treatments during dry periods. Mite treatments may be warranted for management of heavy infestations.
Photos related to Coast Redwood

Landscape redwood, topped by lightning strike

Typical foliar symptoms of drought or salt damage

Redwood tip with heavy spider mite infestation