Ulmus crassifolia

Native to Texas, with small pockets occurring in neighboring states and northern Mexico. Often found growing naturally on river flats associated with Ashe juniper (cedar), which is why it is called cedar elm.

  • Culture
  • Concerns
  • Management
Culture for Cedar Elm

Tolerant of wet locations and more tolerant of heavy clay than most tree species. Moderately tolerant of disturbed or compacted soils. More drought and heat tolerant than most elm species. Branches may be ‘winged’, causing possible confusion with winged elm.

Concerns about Cedar Elm

Often develops co-dominant or over-extended branches. Resistant but not immune to Dutch elm disease. Susceptible to mite outbreaks that can lead to leaf bleaching, bronzing, or defoliation. May be attacked by leaf feeding beetles such as Japanese beetle. Often infested with Spanish moss, ball moss, and/or mistletoe which can reduce growth and eventually lead to decline. Also a host for bacterial leaf scorch. In wet and cool springs, may defoliate due to anthracnose or elm black spot.

Management Practices for Cedar Elm

Prune to encourage a central lead and subordinate or remove co-dominant stems. Mistletoe should be removed manually, and stems can be wrapped to prevent re-sprouting. Spanish or Ball moss treatments are available when heavy infestations are present. Expose root collars if deep planted or following grade changes. Monitor and treat for mites or defoliating caterpillars as warranted. If conditions favoring disease are present, treat preventatively with fungicide against black spot and anthracnose.

Photos related to Cedar Elm

Cedar Elm Image 1

These cedar elms were allowed to develop co-dominant, over extended branches

Cedar Elm Image 2

Bronzing from spider mite feeding. White specks are cast mite skins

Cedar Elm Image 3

Mistletoe on deciduous trees will remain green year-round




21220 Ashburn Crossing Drive, Suite 130
Ashburn , VA 20147

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Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.


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