Find out answers to the commonly asked questions about Bartlett Tree Experts.

General Information FAQs (41)

  1. Where can I find my customer account number?
  2. Do you give estimate of tree value that have been stolen or removed?
  3. What is an Arborist?
  4. Why can't my tree be topped?
  5. Do you offer free estimates on tree pruning?
  6. Do I need to expose the root flare for vines and roses as you would for a tree?
  7. I'm moving to a new property where neighbors report a tall Evergreen died over months without explanation. Nearby, an orange tree and other Evergreens are showing signs of turning orange. Can you help determine why the evergreens are dying?
  8. We need to top our ash tree to install solar panels, which feels necessary but heartbreaking. How can I care for the wound after topping, given that most sources say wound covers won't help?
  9. Three of my maple trees have a black, brushable substance on the leaves and everything underneath them. They've also lost large branches before, unlike my other unaffected maples. Are these trees in trouble?
  10. I received two trees at a fall festival but don't know their names or care requirements. One grows to 15 feet with purple and white flowers, and the other to 20 feet with bright fall colors, though its leaves have already fallen. Can you help identify them?
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