Many of the most difficult situations relate to trees on or near development sites. Bartlett Consulting has long experience dealing with these issues and can advise at an early stage so problems may be avoided. Click on a tab below for more information.
- Pre-Purchase Development Site Surveys
- Development Site Reports to BS 5837 2012 and Tree Protection
- Method Statements and Specifications
- Trees by Garden Parking Areas
- Site Supervision Near Trees
- Planting Proposals and Aftercare
If builders and developers wish to enter into negotiations to purchase land, it is a great advantage to understand what is possible to achieve by way of housing density and layout. An early survey to indicate the constraints that trees on a site might pose helps provide a basis for negotiation with existing landowners and provides a clear idea of a sites potential. Our surveys can be discreet and are often a quick and simple way to provide important information and guidance.
Trees are an important part of the landscape and our environment. This is reflected in the level of environmental control and legislation applied to the planning and development process. Increasingly, sites with an established landscape of sensibly preserved trees, hedges, and planting, enhances the sale of completed properties. Bartletts involvement at an early stage can often ease the approval process, and reassure planners and local authorities that an environmentally sensitive approach is being taken. When built development is proposed close to trees, local planning authorities almost always require an impact assessment. Bartlett Consulting can undertake full site assessments to British Standard 5837:2012 'Trees in Relation to Construction.' We can provide an Arboricultural report confirming which trees on a development site will be affected by the new building proposal using criteria set out in the British Standard. This includes classifying the longevity and amenity value of trees, selecting trees for retention or removal, and also outlining new tree planting opportunities, which may enhance the potential for approval of a scheme.
We can provide method statements for development site works, planning applications, or contract specifications. This includes:
- Tree Protection Fencing
- Root Zone Protection
- Special Foundation Design
- Guidance on installation of structures over tree roots
- Construction of non-compacting roadways and paths
- De-compaction of site soils and tree feeding
- Specifications for tree and shrub planting schemes
We can also provide bespoke method statements, which can be site specific and related to planning conditions or site management matters. We have unique experience using innovative designs in the preservation of trees near the construction of buildings, and are happy to assist in future schemes.
Recent planning legislation requires that hard surfaces over 5m² (parking areas and patios) in domestic gardens now require planning permission. This is related to reducing flash flooding and improving ground drainage. Where trees stand close to such proposed areas, we are able to provide a mini report to assess the impact that the surface might have on trees and provide guidance of how to progress the planning approval and construction work, whilst retaining trees that in themselves are very effective at increasing ground drainage.
Despite detailed impact assessments and method statements dealing with building development near trees, local authorities are often uneasy about tree protection during the construction process. This can lead to prolonged negotiation and planning restrictions. We can often simplify this situation, reassuring both the local planning authority and developer that trees are always considered during building works. Our consultants can visit the site at regular, pre-arranged intervals or on random visits and provide guidance to all parties so that trees continue to be protected throughout construction works.
Bartlett Consulting has significant experience in providing guidance and specifications for new tree planting, be it a single specimen, groups, or a whole woodland. We can create a planting proposal that covers which trees to use, sizes, planting methods, costings, and aftercare regimes, including all the appropriate plans and drawings if required. The plans can often make the difference between approval of new development or refusal. This aside, new tree planting properly planned and managed provides long-term pleasure for all involved. Aside from trees on development sites, we have helped many organizations improve their environment with new tree planting. These experiences enable us to help schools, residents groups, companies, and local councils plant trees.
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